Monday, April 03, 2006

You Know it's Unfashionable When....

So, as I was walking back from a meeting on the SDSU campus last week, I had this revelation:

Since when are flip-flops with jeans cool?
Flip-flops in the summer with shorts? Yes.
Flip-flops with a hippy dress? Yes.
Flip-flops with a whorish white micro-mini? Yes. Yes. Yes.
Flops and Jeans. Fuck No.

Newsflash: The beach does not extend 15 miles inland. And By the way, its raining and cold outside. Oh yea, another thing, I don't want to see your nasty feet.

I guess when I see most young college women and a handful of men with this ensemble, I know it has to be completely over as a fashion trend.

Good thing I still have my Birkenstocks. Not fashionable, but fucking comfortable (the definition of almost 40, two kids, receding hairline (head) and growing hairline (back). And no, I never wear them with jeans or pants. I still have some shame and I'm not 60 living in Boca Raton.

And one more thing....the Jackie O, Harry Caray sunglasses look like a cross between racketball goggles and those glasses old people wear that wrap around their heads. Lose those as well.


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