Sitting in the backseat, zig zig bump

From the time the kids left the birth canal, we resisted buying music made for children. Sure we had a few CDs with kid songs, but none of the stuff produced by Disnee, Fisher Price, Mattell, etc. I had a policy: No kid music in the car. No Wiggles, no Kids Rock (i.e., kid singing bad popular top-40 songs), no Princes Songs, no Thomas the Train, no, no, no, and fuck no. So from day 1 and I mean literally from the time we tooks these kids from the hospital, we were spinning CDs or more recently, jamming the Ipod with OUR music. Sure, the more poppy tunes with great hooks seem to be the crowd pleasers, but I'm always amazed what I hear my kids singing when they're not in the car: a song from the recent Twilight Singers release, an old Steve Poltz tune, and this really old gem, Blitzkreig Bop (zig zig bump). Another generation of fans.
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