Monday, August 28, 2006

Summers Gone

Cellophane, grandmas town
Summers letters on the ground
Seven pins the fall begins
When the leaves burn summer ends

-From Summer, Bill Janovitz of Buffalo Tom

So the school year has begun at SDSU. Traffic, bad drivers around campus, and of course it has to be nine-hundred fucking degrees today. Anyway, here are some observations from my trip up to campus (I work in a building right off campus, down a big hill; hence the kevetching about the heat..Oy, the heat).

1) Why do young college women want to look like Paris Hilton? That slag has contributed not one ounce of useful shit to our world. When she works, it involves "starring" in some shitty reality show with that other useless slag, Nicole Ritchtie. She is a perfect example of what's wrong with our celebrity soaked culture. Christ, she couldn't even act well in a porno.

2) I'm getting old. Not "wearing dentures, doing that gummy jaw thing old", but "our professor is old, like 39 or something." Note: I'm 37. When I was a freshman, the freshman at SDSU were still one year from being conceived.

3) There's way too much eye candy on campus. Good thing my office window faces a parking lot and very few students ever venture down here.

4) Oh yea, flip flops still suck.


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