One More Thing
Oh, I forgot one more thing about what I'm going to miss about not moving back to Maryland....Snow in April. I remember that tease. Reminded me of getting really into it with a chick. You know, first base, second, ahhh third, and then WHAM. Sorry son, you're not getting that yet...maybe never. FUCK! That's Maryland in April (See Middlespace 4/7/2007 #4). The final snow falls somewhere at the beginning of March--first base, then a few weeks of mixed weather (cold, cool, slightly tepid)--second base, you know the drill. Then, out of no where comes four, five days of temperatures in the low 60s--holy shit, third base and some good ole genital rubbin'. After months of high 30s, low 40s, sixty degrees is a fucking heat wave and almost orgasmic. Next thing you know, it's the beginning of April and snow is falling. Mother Fuckin Blue Balls all the way. Thrown out at home, Barry Bonds style.
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